Phone: +359 898766005

For more than five years, Bulgarian Expert has been providing accounting services and providing legal support to companies with various financial and economic activities, including international ones. Despite the large number of business objects that we serve, we have an individual approach to each client and help to cope with all the problems and incidents that arise in the process of the companies. It is always better to get qualified advice than to make mistakes and bear the whole burden of responsibility in the aftermath. Consultations for clients who have concluded an agreement with us are always free.
The staff of our company was selected very carefully and passed many years of testing. Now we can say with confidence that our team is qualified and experienced specialists who are versed in the intricacies of a wide variety of processes and incidents that arise in various activities of firms.
Our goal is to establish work and relationships with clients in such a way that company managers are not distracted from their main business processes and are calm for the routine documentary part of their business, timely reporting and interaction with government and other structures.
We also provide legal services for enterprises and individuals in the field of civil, immigration, commercial and property law; we represent the client in front of various institutions, carry out registration of companies of various forms of ownership, help in the preparation and conduct of real estate purchase and sale transactions, the commission of all kinds of civil transactions and much more.
With us you can be calm for the complete confidentiality of the information received from you and the protection of personal data.
We will be glad to be of service to you!
Персонал нашей фирмы подбирался очень тщательно и прошел многолетнюю проверку. Сейчас можно с уверенностью сказать, что наша команда - это квалифицированные и опытные специалисты, которые разбираются в тонкостях самых различных процессов и казусах, возникающих в различной деятельности фирм.
Нашей целью является наладить работу и отношения с клиентами таким образом, чтобы управители фирм не отвлекались от своих основных бизнес-процессов и были спокойны за рутинную документальную часть своего бизнеса, своевременную отчетность и взаимодействие с государственными и другими структурами.
Так же мы оказываем юридические услуги для предприятий и физических лиц в области гражданского, иммиграционного, торгового и имущественного права; представляем клиента перед различными институциями, проводим регистрацию фирм различных форм собственности, помогаем в подготовке и проведении сделок покупки-продажи недвижимости, совершении всякого рода гражданских сделок и многое другое.
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